Reverse All Liver & Kidney Pains in 60days
Don’t waste your money on Multipurpose supplements, they can’t treat any sickness or disease.
Supplements are not intended to treat any ailment. Even the manufacturer of products like Forever, warn their marketers against making such false claims.
Greedy marketers who are only concerned about making profit, keep making unsubstantiated claims.
Organic India Liver-Kidney Care is different!
It was made specifically to treat any ailment that affects the liver or kidney. It’s already tested in the 35 countries( including U.S.A., UK, Israel e.t.c.) and has proven to be effective for the following cases:
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E.
Liver Cirrhosis: Hepatitis can lead to this, if not quickly treated, and even death.
Kidney Stone & Disease
Liver Disease
Enlarged Liver
Fatty Liver
Most likely, you have spent a whole lot of money on products(SUPPLEMENTS) advertised by scammers.
They promise you cure: when the product doesn’t work, they start avoiding your calls… Some even pick and give flimsy excuses…
We want you to be PERMANENTLY relieved of ANY form of HEPATITIS & Other Liver-Kidney Related Ailments, and ANY chronic side effects that has been ravaging your body— no matter how long it has been since you were ill and diagnosed.
I want you to imagine what it feels like to hear the doctor say “your disease has disappeared”.
Before I reveal a permanent remedy:
Do you experience any of the following symptoms:
Abdominal pains and swelling.
Pale urine colour
Nausea or Vomiting
Swelling legs and ankle pain
Joint pain
Pale stool colour.
Among other symptoms….
Or have you been diagnosed by a qualified doctor with Hepatitis or other forms of Liver and Kidney Diseases?
Get rid of Liver and Kidney Pains
Improve Kidney Gfr
Reduce Creatinine, Protein and Urine Acidity.
A team of medical practitioners(Doctors, Biologists and Pharmacists) in INDIA embarked on a scientific adventure to find a permanent remedy to this malignant diseases affecting the Liver & Kidney — Liver-Kidney Care is the potent output of their discovery!
Our product is made in India specifically to treat any ailments that affects the Liver and Kidney.
Ingredients of Organic India LKC: Organic Bhumyamalaki Whole Herb (Phyllanthus Niruri), Organic Punarnava Root(boerhaavia diffusa), Katuki Rhizome with root (Picrorhiza Kurroa)
It is very important that a patient quickly discovers Hepatitis Virus while it is at the acute stage(when it can be flushed out easily) before it becomes a chronic infection.
Bold Claim: Our product is the only product that we know of, that completely flushes out Hepatitis virus & stop the hepatitis virus from further damaging the liver, leading to liver cancer — no matter the stage — acute or chronic and also beat any Liver-Kidney issue to a fare-thee-well.
Within a week, all abdominal pains caused by Hepatitis or any Liver-Kidney Ailment will completely stop.
Within 2 weeks, urine colour should begin to change back to pure/clear colour and by 30th day, it should be completely pure.
Within 3 months viral load must drop drastically and virus MAY be completely flushed out.
Within 4 months, virus MUST be completely flushed out of the body.
In case you have questions, we’ve collected a couple of the most common ones here to answer:
Can I use it if I don’t Have Any Liver or Kidney Problems?
Yes you can use it to cleanse your Liver or Kidney.
How will it Work For Specific Ailments like Kidney Disease, Liver Infection, Hepatitis?
Kidney Disease/Malfunction: Your kidney numbers include 2 tests: ACR(Albumin to Creatinine Ratio) and GFR (Glomerular Filtrate Function). GFR is a measure of kidney function and is performed through a blood test. Your GFR will determine what stage of kidney disease you have – there are 5 stages. Know your stage.
A GFR of 60 or higher is in the normal range. A GFR below 60 may mean kidney disease. A GFR of 15 or lower may mean kidney failure.
Organic India Liver-Kidney Care will take your GFR to 60 and above(normal range)
ACR is a urine test to see how much albumin (a type of protein) is in your urine. Too much albumin in your urine is an early sign of kidney damage.
Our product will reduce the albumin in your urine –to a healthy level.
Kidney Stone: Organic India will dissolve the stone and force it out of the body completely, will mitigating the pains.
Liver or Kidney Infection: Organic India will flush out any impurities found in the liver or kidney. This is the easiest for our product to deal with.
Most products advertised for Hepatitis and other Liver-Kidney ailments are Multipurpose products. That is, they are supplements that just clean the body system but are not for a specific ailment. Unfortunately, some of these multilevel marketers/networking people advertise those multipurpose products as cure/for treatment, raising peoples hopes and when the users don’t get the promised result, they are discouraged from buying online.
Our product was specifically designed in India for Hepatitis and other Liver-Kidney conditions. It’s clearly written on the body of our product. You can’t see that on those multipurpose supplements. That’s why it’s called ORGANIC INDIA LIVER-KIDNEY CARE.
Hepatitis: Fortunately, Hepatitis is a liver virus. Thus, Organic India Liver-Kidney care will gradually flush out the virus from the system — as well as relieve some of the symptoms of Hepatitis ( yellow eyes, yellow urine, liver/stomach pain and others).
Result from use of Organic India for Hepatitis, depends largely on the stage of the virus in your body and how many bottles of our product you use.
For instance, it is medically proven that acute stage hepatitis can be fought off by the human body, within 6 months — if it doesn’t go, it becomes chronic stage hepatitis — and at the chronic stage, it becomes very difficult to deal with.
For people with acute stage hepatitis, Organic India will help the body flush out the virus quicker and faster and mitigate any pains it may (or maybe) have caused.
For chronic stage hepatitis(advanced hepatitis), it is difficult to deal with at this stage but user requires long term use.
We recommend you use it for 4 months for complete reversal of Hepatitis and other other Liver-Kidney conditions.. Our recommendation is based on experience. That is, testimonies of past users.
Before the end of this post we will share how your body will react from first week, to first month of use.
Absolutely. The Original Hepatitis Treatment Package is based on research by Indian Doctors and Pharmacists. Everyone knows Indian doctors are one of the best in the world.
All our products are made from natural ingredients. Organic India Liver-Kidney Care is 100% Safe. It was not made for only one country in particular. It was made for the Indian Market. Their Drug Regulatory Body follows strict procedures before endorsing a product and ORGANIC INDIA successfully passed all tests.
Why Our Product is the best.
Sometimes, there could be wrong diagnosis at a medical centre(hospital, lab or clinic) or even test result mix up. For instance, a person might have enlarged liver and they may say it’s Hepatitis. Irrespective of test result error or diagnosis, provided the ailment affects the Liver or Kidney, our product will beat it. Further, if the health issue is a combination of problems, maybe: kidney stone and fatty liver, like the case of a recent woman, our product will handle both BECAUSE they fall under LIVER AND KIDNEY CARE.
Do not buy any fake product..
NOTE: All products must come in hard bottle form.
1 Month Treatment Package
1 Pack(60 capsules) of Organic India Liver-Kidney Care
Usage: 1 Capsule, twice daily, with food and water.
50,000 FRANC
20,000 CFA FRANC
Usage: 1 capsule, twice daily , with food and water.
100,000 FRANC
Usage: 1 capsule, twice daily with food and water.
150,000 FRANC
Buy at a Special Discounted Price
4 Months Treatment Package
Usage: 1 capsule, twice daily with food and water.
200,000 FRANC
You may start with even 1 bottle. Be assured of measurable improvement on any of our packages.
However, the most recommended treatment is the 4 months package(complete treatment).
If you can afford it, buy the 4 bottles at once(complete treatment pack). That way you can get complete reversal of ailment and won’t need to keep spending later.
Notwithstanding, you can start with one bottle(1 month package)
Some people are skeptical about buying online due to the fear of being swindled. In good faith, we offer Payment on delivery. This means you will pay for the product only when it has been brought down to you, by our delivery agent. When you receive the product, you can give the money to the delivery person by cash or transfer.
Delivery is Totally Free and We Offer Payment On Delivery Anywhere you are in CAMEROON
Fill the form below now, if you are ready to receive.. We deliver within 24-72hrs maximum.
PLEASE NOTE: We only deliver within Yaounde capital.
If you are based outside Yaounde you have two options to buy this product.
1. You can provide your family or friend contact in Yaounde. When we deliver to them, they can pay for the product on your behalf.
2. The second option is for us to send it to you through public transport. BUT you have to pay us before we send it.
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