Secret Tea Taken By Chinese Adults To Keep High Blood Pressure in Check
High cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Poor Sleep
General Body Weakness
Heart Function
Memory loss
Lower energy level(tiredness)
Lower immunity? E.t.c…
Read this till the end… It’s a short writeup on a natural tea that will help you.
After months of overworking herself, and finally her body couldn’t take it anymore,
Abena Slumped… And Almost Died!
It had almost happened before… In fact in the past 4 weeks before she slumped, her BP was at 135/84.
I didn’t ignore the signs. In fact I told my wife, Abena to take a break from work. But her leave was in 2 months time.
She kept managing the BP with the recommended medication, until that unfortunate day of 2nd August 2018.. Abena my wife slumped.
Work stress really had its toll on her.
She was very fortunate to have a colleague around who managed to resuscitate her before rushing her to the hospital.
On getting to the hospital the doctor said she was having a heart attack. That she’s very lucky to be alive. He gave her some anti-hypertension pills and discharged her the next day.
She felt a bit better after a few days and stayed at home for a full month.
But we never got permanent solution.
“Hello, I am Kobina. I am about to introduce you to a secret Chinese tea that keeps your blood pressure in check and helps to regulate your liver and kidney.
I travelled to China from Zambia for a business meeting on 30th September 2013. It was a meeting to discuss a Chinese project to be launched in Zambia then. I was working as an engineer for a David Walter Limited.
My work was time-consuming and energy-consuming — I usually travelled a lot for building projects. In fact I had to stop work for some months at a time.
On that blessed trip to China, I met a doctor who specializes in herbs. It was on my evening walk around the city. He was a very friendly chinese man. He spoke some English.
He gave me a tea bag at his shop to try that evening and come for a pack if I saw changes.
I was shocked when I woke up the next day and I felt so energised. I forgot to check my BP that morning and I attended another meeting. When I got home at 5pm from a busy day’s work, I checked my BP and it was at 119. The last time I remember checking before taking the tea, it was at 134/84.
I was so excited! In fact I would have rushed back to the man’s shop but it was late already. The next day I met him and thanked him for the tea — then I bought 3 packs of the tea, to continue using and share with my wife.
I returned to Zambia the following week and took a week off from work. My wife and I kept using it and I must confess our BP has stabilized.
Another thing I noticed is that it cleansed my liver and kidney.
I am now back to work and I have been promoted to head of operations( in my department) — my wife has become an evangelist for this Chinese Tea”
Have you been diagnosed with high blood Pressure, also called hypertension?
Or do you struggle with High Cholesterol?
Don’t Waste Time Before Attending to these issues. You may be lucky not to see any symptoms today. But if left unattended to, High Blood Pressure May lead to:
Heart Failure
Vision Loss
Heart Attack Kidney Disease
Among other severe issues..
Causes of Hypertension
The first step to finding what will resolve any health challenge is to know the causes.
Medical studies have not determined exactly what causes High Blood Pressure. However, the following have been observed to be factors affecting High Blood Pressure:
Normal and Abnormal Blood Pressure Level
A blood pressure reading is written like this: 120/80. It’s read as “120 over 80.” The top number is called the systolic, and bottom number is called the diastolic. The ranges are:
Prescription Medicine May Be Good
But it may not be the best for long term use because of the side effects.
Now that we know some of the factors affecting High Blood Pressure is what we consume: smoking, alcohol and food we eat… The truth is that if you do not work on these things, you will never see any product that will give you permanent solution.
For Cholesterol, your body already produces it in the liver. When you eat the different types of meats, dairy products and animal foods, your body generates extra cholesterol. And once it is in excess, it become a health problem.
So, whether you are using anointing oil(from church) or any powerful product, you will keep having reoccurring high cholesterol if you don’t watch what you eat.
Good News:
We won’t just sell a tea to you… While you use our tea, you will need to work on what you consume and your lifestyle. Thus, we are offering a free healthy life guide in E-book(PDF) format to all buyers of our Powerful Ancient Chinese Tea.
The E-book contains information on:
~ What to eat and what not to eat.
~ Exercise for Older People.
~ How To Check HBP
The E-book will be sent to your Whatsapp Number or Email Address.
Main Ingredients: Jiaogulan(Gynostemma),Ganodorma lucidum.
Jiaogulan is a plant that grows wild in China. The leaf is used to make medicine. Jiaogulan is sometimes referred to as “Southern Ginseng” because it grows in south central China and is used in similar ways as ginseng.
Historically, Jiaogulan has been used by ancient Chinese for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and improving heart function. It is also used for strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress (as an “adaptogen”), improving memory, and preventing hair loss.
How To Take It
POUR 8 oz. freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag. COVER cup & STEEP for 5-20 minutes .Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup. Enjoy 1-2 cups daily.
1 pack contains 20 tea bags. Take 1 in the morning and 1 at night.
1 Pack of 20 pieces is 4,500 KENYA SHILLINGS.
1 MONTH PACKAGE(Good offer for you)
3 PACKS @ 7,500 KES (you save 6,000 KES when you 3 at once)
2 MONTH PACKAGE(Better offer for you)
6 PACKS @ 12,000 KES ( Save 3,000KES )
3 MONTH PACKAGE(Best offer for you)
Good as family package for husband and wife
9 PACKS @ 16,500 KES
( Save 1,500 KES )
* Prevention and Protection of the Heart
* Improve Blood Pressure Level
* Get Rid of High Cholesterol
* Get Rid of unhealthy fat from excess JUNK FOOD (fries)
* Improve heart rate function
* Fights Fatigue (tiredness).
* Boost Immunity.
* Improve Memory.
* Increased energy and alertness
* May help with hair loss.
* Fill the form below with your details and click on “submit”
* After clicking submit, wait till the system takes you to another page that says “order successful”
* Expect a call from one of our agents.
* When you receive the product from one of our agents, you pay for it, on the spot. Cash or Transfer is accepted.
If you are unable to fill the form correctly, kindly use the Whatsapp chat tab after the form.
Please fill the form below only if you are ready to receive… We deliver within 24-72hrs maximum.
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