Get A Perfect And Permanent Remedy For HEPATITIS & ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY ISSUES Without Any Side Effects

100% Guaranteed Natural Herbal Remedy For Any Liver Problem (i.e kidney issues. Fatty Liver, Enlarged Liver, Kidney stone, Kidney disease, Hepatitis A,B,C,D., Jaundice and Anemia. etc.)

“My Husband who has been On Steady Medication Of a Failed Kidney for 3 and half years is fully back on his feet after taking only 3 bottles of the Herbal Curative LIVER & KIDNEY LIKID Capsules. We can’t contain our joy”

Mrs Faith – From Oyo

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Did You Test Positive for Hepatitis Or kidney issues?
Don’t Go Anywhere Again, This Herbal Capsule Contains The Secret Curative Formula To End Any Hepatitis And Any Liver Disease Permanently!!!

Do you know the amazing part?

You Will start getting noticeable results in the first 5 days of using it.

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Are you afflicted with any form of hepatitis? Do you have anyone who is a victim of this ailment and is seeking immediate remedy? Below is how i was able to fight Hepatitis B despite my negligence and ignorance.

This is the most effective and curative solution for those diagnosed with fatty liver disease and any type of Hepatitis.

It has helped more than 7,694 Nigerians.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The condition can be self-limiting or can progress to fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis in the world but other infections, toxic substances (e.g. alcohol, certain drugs), and autoimmune diseases can also cause hepatitis.

For some people, hepatitis B infection becomes chronic, meaning it lasts more than six months. Having chronic hepatitis B increases your risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis — a condition that permanently scars  the liver.

If not treated with caution, this hepatitis virus would gradually grow into a more severe state which is know as the Hepatitis B. This is the state which results in scarring of the liver, abnormal functionality of the liver and in due time, liver cancer. These symptoms would only show after the hepatitis A has developed into hepatitis B and I’ve had my own share of it.

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These Are Few Questionable Things You Tend To ask Yourself Or Experience When Your Liver Is Not Functioning Properly Over a Long Period Of Time:

  • Often feel tired or weak?
  • Do you sometimes experience back pain, abdominal pain or lower torso discomfort?
  • Do you ever feel nauseous or suffer from a loss of appetite?
  • Does your skin or the whites of your eyes appear yellowish in color?
  • Do you binge drink, or drink alcohol on a regular basis?
  • Do you smoke?
  • Are you trying to lose Belly Fat or weight but not seem to be working?
  • Are you overweight and struggling to shift those excess pounds?
  • Did you just suddenly lost weight drastically?
  • Have you noticed a patchy, dark skin discoloration, usually on the neck or underarm area?
  • Do you have bad skin, and just don’t know why? ·
    Do you ever suffer from abdominal pains and cramping? ·
    And finally… ·
  • Do you have a general feeling of ill health, and can’t figure out what it might be?

If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then you’re exactly in the right place…

Because you could be suffering from the effects of a “FATTY LIVER” or HEPATITIS..

…if not treated fast may lead to liver cancer or liver failure.

Some Symptoms Of Liver Issues

  • Fatigue
  •    Flu-like symptoms
  •    Dark urine
  •    Pale stool
  •    Abdominal Pain
  •    Loss of appetite
  •    Unexplained weight loss
  •    Yellow skin and eyes which may be sign of jaundice
  • And if you don’t do anything about it now, you could end up with a much higher chance of contracting fatal diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Most of the diseases you are suffering today like diabetes, bad vision, hypertension, etc are as a result of a DAMAGED LIVER And don’t think I’m saying any of this to scare you…
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Symptoms Of Liver & Kidney Issues

If fatty liver progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure, symptoms include:

– an enlarging, fluid-filled abdomen

– jaundice of the skin and eyes

– confusion

– abnormal bleeding

“Fatty liver” has become increasingly common in recent years due to the rising levels of obesity in the world.
As I’ve already stated, it now affects more than 2.1 BILLION PEOPLE.

That’s 1/3 of the entire world population!

So why is this so important to your health, and your life?

Well, what might surprise you is that your liver is the second most important organ in your body – after the brain.

It performs an incredible 800+ functions, including:

  • Eliminating toxins from the body, like environmental pollutants, food additives, dead cells, alcohol, etc.
  • Producing bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats
  • Storing and releasing glucose for energy
  • Clearing the blood of harmful substances
  • Resisting infections and removing bacteria from the bloodstream
  • Clearing bilirubin (if there is a build-up of bilirubin, the skin and eyes turn yellow).

And much more, including regulating glucose, blood pressure, blood sugar, estrogen, testosterone, the immune system, and blood cholesterol production.

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  • Rejuvenate, regenerate,
  • reactivate and rebuild broken and dead cells and restores back dead cells in our body.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • For broken bones, severed fingers, skin ulcers, and cancers
  • For protection or repair of lungs or treatment of lung cancers
  • They Cure Any Type of Hepatitis
  • They Revere the Effects of Hepatitis on that Body
  • Cures Fatty Liver
  • It Averts any Chance of Liver Cancer
  • It Averts Cirrhosis and Reverts its Effects
  • It Cures Ulcer
  • Reduces Blood Sugar

I know the next question you may be asking now is that…. Does it works?

Below are the testimonies of people like you that have gotten results from this LIVER LIKID CARE HERB:




Ingredients: Bhumyamalaki and Katuki.

Work: all liver and kidney issues. Fatty Liver, Enlarged Liver, Kidney stone, Kidney disease, Hepatitis A,B,C,D., Jaundice and Anemia.

THE LIVER & HEPATITIS PACK are used for auxiliary protective function for chemical liver injury. It supplies the liver with the key micro nutrients it needs for stability and optimal functioning.

Protein is indispensable to liver patients, sufficient protein can protect the function of liver cells, promote the regeneration of hepatocytes, prevent 3dema, blood, and ascites. Vitamins with liver store vitamins, and are involved in the metabolism of the liver. When the liver is damaged, it will affect the absorption of vitamins. When there is a vitamin deficiency, should be promptly filled. Such as vitamin B2, vitamin B6, foIic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin K and so on.

Zinc. Liver function needs zinc to assist, according to statistics, hepatitis patients generally have a lack of zinc situation, which will cause loss of appetite and abdominal distension, and other illnesses.

THE LIKID LIVER & HEPATITIS PACK supply the liver with all the micronutrients it needs for stability and optimal functioning.

14Pcs Remaining
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Our delivery time frame is 2-5 working days for orders outside Lagos. We ship from Lagos.

While delivery within Lagos state is 24-48hrs, so make sure to be around within our delivery time frame to pickup your product from our delivery agents all over the nation.

WARNING, Please Read Below Carefully.

We do not have much of this product because of the difficulty getting them, we only need serious buyers.

Please don’t place an order if you know you don’t have the money to pay for the product or if you wont be available within 2-5 working days of our delivery time frame to avoid wasting our time, money and resources in shipping out the product to your location.

Don’t place an order if you know you will be travelling out from your state within 2-5 working days of our delivery time frame.

Cases like I don’t have money now, I traveled or I was joking with the order and many other unreasonable excuses are heartbroken, unfair and are not tolerated.

We spend huge sum of money in logistics sending out these product to our customers locations via payment on delivery and at the end of the day some people take negative advantage of this privilege which I think its the best for our esteemed customers, some will refuse to pick up their package giving series of excuses when they are been called upon for delivery, making us run into losses worth millions of naira in logistics.

So we are pleading, don’t place an order if you don’t have the money ready now or if you are travelling in the next 2-5 working days from now, please adhere to the instructions to enable us serve you better.

Please even if you don’t fear/respect me.. I beg you in the name of God/Alah.. I know you respect God/Alah.

Thank You.

How To Place Your Order

Fill in the below form correctly and click on submit to place your order. Make sure the Congratulation page shows to Confrim your order is sent.

Liver Kidney Order Form NG
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Please Note, After your order make sure to call us so we can get to you faster Or If You’ve Got Any Question.

You will Also get a call from one of our Doctors Or Customer care agent for the confirmation of your order.

If Our Line Seems Busy Kindly Try Again As Other people are trying to get in touch with us.

Call @ 09067691865

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